full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Carl Honoré: In praise of slowness

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So all of that said, is it, I guess, is it possible? That's really the main question before us today. Is it possible to slow down? And I'm happy to be able to say to you that the answer is a rnnioesudg yes. And I present myself as eibixht A, a kind of reformed and rehabilitated speed-aholic. I still love seped. You know, I live in London, and I work as a journalist, and I enjoy the buzz and the bnsyseus, and the adrenaline rush that comes from both of those things. I play squash and ice hkecoy, two very fast sports, and I wouldn't give them up for the world. But I've also, over the last year or so, got in touch with my inner tortoise.

Open Cloze

So all of that said, is it, I guess, is it possible? That's really the main question before us today. Is it possible to slow down? And I'm happy to be able to say to you that the answer is a __________ yes. And I present myself as _______ A, a kind of reformed and rehabilitated speed-aholic. I still love _____. You know, I live in London, and I work as a journalist, and I enjoy the buzz and the ________, and the adrenaline rush that comes from both of those things. I play squash and ice ______, two very fast sports, and I wouldn't give them up for the world. But I've also, over the last year or so, got in touch with my inner tortoise.


  1. exhibit
  2. busyness
  3. resounding
  4. speed
  5. hockey

Original Text

So all of that said, is it, I guess, is it possible? That's really the main question before us today. Is it possible to slow down? And I'm happy to be able to say to you that the answer is a resounding yes. And I present myself as Exhibit A, a kind of reformed and rehabilitated speed-aholic. I still love speed. You know, I live in London, and I work as a journalist, and I enjoy the buzz and the busyness, and the adrenaline rush that comes from both of those things. I play squash and ice hockey, two very fast sports, and I wouldn't give them up for the world. But I've also, over the last year or so, got in touch with my inner tortoise.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
slow food 3
bedtime stories 2
finish line 2
slow movement 2
food movement 2
awful lot 2
slow sex 2
developed world 2
adrenaline rush 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
slow food movement 2

Important Words

  1. adrenaline
  2. answer
  3. busyness
  4. buzz
  5. enjoy
  6. exhibit
  7. fast
  8. give
  9. guess
  10. happy
  11. hockey
  12. ice
  13. journalist
  14. kind
  15. live
  16. london
  17. love
  18. main
  19. play
  20. present
  21. question
  22. reformed
  23. rehabilitated
  24. resounding
  25. rush
  26. slow
  27. speed
  28. sports
  29. squash
  30. today
  31. tortoise
  32. touch
  33. work
  34. world
  35. year